Virtual Engagement

Whether you want to build team bonds, encourage self-improvement or enable your employees to focus on their wellbeing Beyond are here to help

It can be difficult to create tailored, thoughtful virtual content for your employees. Beyond manage everything from surveying staff to ensure the content provided fits the needs of your organisation to finding and arranging the best third party suppliers to provide innovative content.


Wellbeing and Mindfulness

We work with a range of brilliant content providers to help your employees focus on their mental health. Working from home full-time can lead to feelings of isolation and struggles with productivity. By investing in your team’s wellbeing you can encourage a happier workforce that look after themselves holistically.


Health and Lifestyle

Physical well being is as important as mental. This section of our virtual content offering focuses on making sure your teams are healthy by encouraging good behaviours whilst working from home. It can be easy to fall into habits that are easy, ordering deliveries and moving straight from your desk to the sofa. By providing engaging fitness content you can get your teams excited about staying healthy at home.


Connect and Celebrate

Personal interaction and connecting with teammates is such an important part of our working environment. Continuing to enable valuable conversations to build relationships is key! Beyond the initial thirsty Thursday’s we all adopted early on in lockdown there are many fun and engaging ways we can help you to reach out to your employees and ensure they feel valued. Celebrating key achievements and personal milestones can be a great way to ensure your teams are happy at home.


Personal Development

Having a geographically diverse workforce demands more of us as managers. New skills need to be developed to ensure we are engaging with our teams on a personal level as well as a professional one. Beyond have a range of management skills training courses for senior staff. We also have a wide range of fun and unusual courses to allow you to use your spare time to learn something new. Investing in your employee’s future helps them to see how valued they are.